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About Garlic GP

Product Stewardship:
Helping Americans Build Safe and Healthy Lawns and Gardens

Product stewardship can best be described as planning and building a consumer product which is most natural or compatible with nature and then planning for the recovery or recycling of that resource. Before a new consumer product hits the drawing board, the ingredients which make up the item are carefully analyzed for recyclability at the end of the product life cycle. Thus, manufacturers have a plan for recovering the resources well into the future whether it is five, ten or fifteen years down the road.

products which are earth friendly...Our goal at Garlic GP Ltd Co has been directed at filling the need for all natural lawn and garden fungicides –ones which work in harmony with nature and need little or no recycling. These naturals pose no threat or harm to humans, wildlife, fish, birds and beneficial insects. Furthermore, they require no recycling since they are absorbed by plant life and ultimately by the consumer in a most safe and healthy way.

So what has prompted this interest in utilizing nature’s resources in a more careful manner? It is the concern for the planet and concern for the inhabitants. Most people are interested in purchasing products which are earth-friendly, natural and recyclable. Our desire to live longer, healthier and more productive lives motivates most of us to be more deliberate in our choices of consumer goods.

Naturally grown or Organic foods are rapidly replacing chemically grown items. Lawn and garden enthusiasts are purchasing natural insecticides and fungicides as soon as they become available at competitive prices. Demand for these products is growing at a monumental pace.

We at Garlic GP are proud to offer Americans a product which epitomizes the concept of product stewardship. We believe that you will be 100% satisfied with the performance of Garlic GP and that your hard earned money will be well spent on a remarkable earth friendly resource.


A message from
Garlic GP President Bob McDonald

Getting A New Start

Bob McDonaldIn 1991, after spending almost two decades in a business in which I had lost total interest, I found myself frustrated, bored and less than enthusiastic about going to work on a daily basis. I was really burned out and lacked direction and dedication.

As I watched Dr Robert Schuller one evening on TV, I heard him talk about Turning Scars Into Stars. He talked about people starting over in life and in business. It sounded easy and made sense. But I knew that starting over at 44 would be no easy task. Nevertheless, I decided to start anew and borrowed Tony Robbins’ tape series Personal Power from my older brother. I was determined to do something in life that I could be totally excited about.

Very shortly afterward I started in a brand new field, environmental management. It was a difficult start but one I was enthusiastic a real alternative...about. After three years in management I started my own business in manufacturing all natural and safe environmental products. In 2001, I joined forces with my younger brother in the development of all natural fungicide products. With a rigorous plan for research and development at two of America’s leading agricultural universities, Garlic GP natural fungicide became a reality.

Creating this safe and innovative product has been a dream come true. This unique natural fungicide offers the lawn and gardening enthusiast a real alternative to harsh, toxic chemical usage. It is totally safe for children, pets, fish, wildlife and beneficial insects. The garlic is grown here in America and we’ve endeavored to buy all other products here in The USA. This benefits the American farmer, American manufacturers and American workers as the jobs and dollars stay here in The USA.

So you can see why we here at Garlic GP Ltd Co are excited to offer the lawn and garden enthusiast a safe and healthy product. What started almost fifteen years ago out of frustration has allowed me to claim a new outlook on life and to do something meaningful for others. We have given life to a product which will benefit millions of Americans and help them realize healthier, longer, more productive lives.

Thanks to The Lord who has given me the spiritual strength to sustain this new start, to Dr. Robert Schuller for inspiration and to Tony Robbins for helping develop a plan to succeed.

Bob McDonald
President, Garlic GP LTD Co


Contact Information

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have.

Toll-free 877-447-3330



Mailing address:
Nature's Wisdom
Garlic GP
450 Business Park Dr.
Ste. 100
Prosper, TX 75078

Retail Locations:
Garlic GP products can be purchased on-line or at a growing number of retail outlets in Texas & Colorado.
