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To control black spot, rust, white
powdery mildew and downey mildew on all varieties of roses, use
our environmentally safe and chemical-free Garlic GP Rose*.
Economical to use, Garlic GP Rose becomes odorless
in hours, and is safe for children, pets, birds, wildlife and beneficial
insects. Plus, just one application last up to 21 days.
Safe for use on all varieties of roses.
Available sizes:
- 1 gallon (concentrate)
- 1 quart (concentrate) Bettix bottle
* Patent Pending
Ernie Navarrete
Customer Testimonial
My roses were being overrun with aphids. A friend
sent me some Garlic GP Rose Fungicide. After 2 applications, the
aphids were gone.Now I spray my roses once a week and they are
aphid free. Adios Aphids.